Spanish with Carmen

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Parent forum

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Dear parents:

We are excited to announce the addition of Pearson SuccessNet  and Turnitin. com to our educational curriculum in our Spanish classes.


Pearson SuccessNet offers you –the parent- the opportunity to look inside your child’s day-to-day learning.

 To access the Web site:

  • You will need your Internet Browser, internet ExplorerV6.0 or safari V.2.0 (MacOSX) and high-speed connection recommended.


  • Go to htpp://, and use your child’s user name and password provided in the class to see the educational curriculum provided by the book REALIDADES III.


  • If you ever run to technical difficulties, there is a Pearson SuccessNet online help connection available at 1-800-234-5832 form 7 a.m to 6.p.m(CST)

As for, your child will have all the homework posted over there, with specification of dates and deadlines. Peer editing is highly recommended before submitting assigments.


Have fun and enjoy it with your child! CA.

9/20/07 Open House is today from 6.30 to 8.00 pm

9/21/07. OPEN HOUSE: Thanks for your participation in the Open House yesterday. There was a big turnout and I really enjoyed talking to you. As I indicated, I would like to have your opinion about the posts, visuals and comments on this blog, as well as have your consent in order to watch several movies and read some selection literary texts in class. Please, feel free to reply and leave me any comments, as well as your consents or denials. Yours, C.A.

10/5/07: Cómo educar a los hijos en la sociedad actual

Emilio Calatayud Pérez es un campechano Juez de Menores de Granada. Con un verbo demoledor, este padre de familia da una lección magistral sobre lo que implica tener hijos. No cometa el error de no ver este vídeo en la siguiente website:

Aquí abajo lo reproduzco:

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